All of our productions have a reuse, recycle and repair strategy for designing and creating the set and costumes.
We give every cast and creative team member a 'plastic free' kit to take on tour, which includes a bamboo coffee cup, bamboo toothbrush, a canvas bag (kindly donated by the Ludlow Food Centre) and a No. More. Plastic. book by Martin Dorey.
We ensure that our office, cleaning and kitchen supplies are either recycled, environmentally friendly or fair trade. We have changed our electricity to a green plan and recycle everything we can.
When we tour our productions, we try to plan so there's only one vehicle on the road as we move from place to place; book our tours to limit the travelling required by the company and encourage audiences to car share or use public transport when attending our shows.
We are big fans of Julie's Bicycle and their vision to ensure all arts organisations go green. You can read more about Julie's Bicycle by visiting their website here.