The Stage⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Wildly different but equally welcome
Pentabus has commissioned writer, Tim Foley and actor and writer, Sophie Stone, to create two short audio pieces inspired by the provocation – Spring’s Calling.
Folklore and Fitness with Carole Vegan by Tim Foley and I, Nyx : (A daughter’s daughter) by Sophie Stone are both presented as podcasts and have also been made into captioned, wave transcription videos.
Spring's Calling is the latest in the series of regional online events co-ordinated by the West Midlands Culture Response Unit, and marks one year since the country went into its first lockdown.
Coinciding with the Spring Equinox on Saturday 20 March 2021, Spring’s Calling features 3-5 minute audio artworks, including spoken word, podcasts, music and singing, created by artists and organisations from across the region. The online event focuses on nature, spring, outdoors, reflection, restarting and growth; as the cultural sector looks ahead to returning to live events, re-opening venues and welcoming back audiences.
To enjoy audio artworks created for Spring’s Calling by other artists and organisations from across the West Midlands search for the hashtag #SpringsCalling on social media channels from 20 March 2021.
Folklore and Fitness with Carole Vegan
By Tim Foley
Join renowned athlete and academic Carole Vegan on the hunt for a mythical creature.
I, Nyx: (A daughter’s daughter)
by Sophie Stone
A daughter becomes a mother
Her daughter grows, fast and strong, springing to life.
She experiences the grief of letting go in order to watch her own child flourish.
Her work is done.
The nest is empty but the world is full.
As she grows old, her time is short but her life was long.
She reflects on her own mother and recognises her autumn equinox, harvesting what she sowed. She yearns for the long nights of her mother as she leaves the long nights of her own.
The restorative night gives energy to day.
A new generation arises.
Death comes from Life, as fallen fruit give seed to soil.
[Nyx: Greek Goddess of Night. Emerged from the beginning of creation. With Erebus (Darkness) she produced Aether (Light) and Hemera (Day) and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death). She is the daughter of Chaos.]
Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night: If music be the food of love, play on.