Racism in the countryside: What's the state of play?
Six characters. Six stories. Six voices.
In 2016 Pentabus joined forces with Eclipse, the leading black-led touring company to produce White Open Spaces, a series of podcasts about race and racism in the countryside. Originally produced as a reaction to Trevor Phillip’s provocation that there was a ‘passive apartheid’ in the countryside, ten years on this podcast series retells three of the original stories and offers three new perspectives on the state of society in 2016. Post-Brexit and Pre-Trump what was our national identity? What did it mean to belong to a place if that place might not want you to belong to it?
Written by six world-class writers, as part of Eclipse’s Revolution Mix initiative and performed by a star cast. Sharp, funny and provocative, these six voices tell us the state of the nation in the mid-2010s They were originally released every day for a week from 28 November 2016.
Completely See Through: Francesca Beard
Black Peter Pan: Leah Chillery
You Say: Lorna French
Joy's Prayer: Ian Marchant
A Question of Courage: Courttia Newland
Jerusalem: Testament
White Open Spaces: 2016 was directed by Elizabeth Freestone and Dawn Walton