Pentabus develops and presents stories about and for contemporary rural Britain. In its commitment to shine a light on the rural experience and celebrate and elevate stories from these communities it is dedicated to discovering the less heard, the less listened to. These stories include the experiences of trans people, non-binary people, black and minority ethnic people, and people with disabilities. People with these identities exist and are valid in rural spaces just as they are in urban spaces and Pentabus is passionate about creating a culture and community where everyone can be seen and heard with compassion and respect. We stand by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Our commitment as an organisation to developing our practice, and that of the sector as a whole, is evidenced in our involvement and commitment to the Anti- Racist Touring Rider, the Anti-Ableism Focus Group, the More Than a Moment Pledge and the Trans Casting Statement.
We look forward to continuing to learn and change and help make change.